The Temiskaming Hospital Foundation’s 8th Annual Radiothon will take place on Thursday, February 24th, 2022 from 9 am to 3 pm on CJTT 104.5 FM. Like last year’s event, the Radiothon will be fully virtual. Live, on-air updates from the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation’s Board of Directors will take place on CJTT 104.5 FM throughout the day. This year, the foundation is hoping to raise $50,000 for a new Operating Room table for Temiskaming Hospital.
Approximately 1,000 surgical cases are performed annually at Temiskaming Hospital along with 150 Caesarean sections as Temiskaming Hospital provides obstetrical services to the whole district of Timiskaming. The two Operating Room tables at Temiskaming Hospital are 12 years old, and while both tables are due for replacement within the next few years, through the Radiothon, the foundation is hoping to replace one of the two tables. Another example of keeping care close to home.
“Having a surgical program at Temiskaming Hospital is extremely important for our community,” said Temiskaming Hospital Foundation Secretary and Temiskaming Hospital President & CEO Mike Baker. He continued, “Throughout the pandemic, we saw the impact of postponed surgeries and continue to tackle the backlog while looking at ways that we can continue with, and eventually expand, the surgical services provided to our community.”
On the day of the Radiothon, listeners will be able to hear live, on-air donation updates on CJTT 104.5 FM at the 15, 30 and 45 minute mark of each hour.
The 8th Annual Radiothon marks the final fundraising event for the Care Close to Home campaign which will wrap up on March 31st, 2022. As it stands, the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation has raised over $5.37M of their $6.5M goal. Due to the pandemic, in-person events were canceled for the last two years and the foundation’s 50/50 fundraiser became the main source of revenue. The 50/50 will continue on after the campaign wraps up as it is currently slated to end on December 6th, 2022.
The Radiothon’s event page is scheduled to go live Friday, February 18th, 2022. The event page will include information about the Operating Room table the foundation is looking to purchase and feature a live donation tracker. Donations will be accepted on the event page beginning on February 23rd.
Those who do not have access to the internet but wish to donate are encouraged to send cash or a cheque to the Temiskaming Hospital Foundation at 421 Shepherdson Road in New Liskeard. Donations over $20 will be eligible for a tax receipt.
“Fundraising is a continual process for all hospitals and Temiskaming Hospital is no different,” said Temiskaming Hospital Foundation President Jim Rowe. “We are thrilled to continue working on raising funds in a variety of ways, including our Radiothon, in order to purchase equipment that allows our local hospital to offer the exceptional level of service we have come to expect. We are optimistic that we will reach our goal of $50,000 with our upcoming Radiothon so that we can purchase a new Operating Room table for Temiskaming Hospital.”
To view the 8th Annual Radiothon's event page, visit: